A plan for everyone

FINE offer a number of monthly wine plans which will allow you to expand your tastes and your knowledge at a budget to suit you. There are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum options which are outlined below. As well as a number of further options to help you tailor a plan to suit you. All options are for 12 bottles of wine. If there is anything else you would like included in your plan please let us know.

We promise that your plan will give you excellent wines and will be good value for what you pay. Whichever category you choose, the wines will be worth more than the cost you pay. W will include a special from time to time. Each case will come with notes about the wines and comments from me.

Standard set options

Bronze – £30 per month (the equivalent but better than Laithwaites/Sunday Times wine plan)

Silver – £45 per month

Gold – £60 per month

Platinum – £80 per month


Tailored options

FINE wine plan – an individually tailored plan to reflect only fine wines to suit your palate

Cellar plan – if you wish to develop a cellar we can create a plan to suit you, which will give a breadth of different wine styles and regions.

The cases will be delivered every quarter and will be seasonally affected to give you wines for the time of year. The cost of each case is effectively spread over 3 months, and the case is delivered shortly after the first payment. We can arrange a case more frequently than quarterly if required.

There are three other options to consider:

Bakers dozen – for a small additional amount each month on your set plan you will receive one bottle from the ‘FINE wine plan’ category above. The additional cost of this, for bronze plans – £3.75, for silver plans – £5.00 and for gold plans – £6.70. This allows you to try wines from our FINE selection introducing you to fantastic quality wines.

Red or whites or mixed: decide whether you wish to have all white, all red or a mixed case.

6 or 4 or 3: decide whether you want to have 2 bottles of 6 different wines or 3 bottles of 4 different wines, or 4 bottles of 3 different wines.

This service is currently available through our Old Harlow store only.

Enter you details below to request a Fine Wine Plan information pack